
Chloe, how would you like to open the chapter?

Chloe: Can't you see I'm busy???


Aaaand she's pregnant again. Hopefully I get another boy.

Please don't blow yourself up. You're the good parent!

Playing guitar outside is much safer than cooking.

Alex finally advanced enough in the medical career to determine genders.

Alex: It's a girl!

Chloe: That means I'm having more, doesn't it.


Jenna: Bow down to your queen!

If you're queen, we're all doomed.

Jenna: How dare you! Off with your head!

I love having a handy sim around. It means less people get fried!

Alex: It's nice to see you value me so much.

I just realized that I haven't telling you guys what the kids' traits are. Well, Jenna has the Never Nude trait, obviously.

Not good! Not good!

Alex: Don't beam me up, Scotty, don't beam me up!!

Jenna: Aliens, I command you to release my dad!

I don't think it works that way.

It looks like even the queen gave up on Alex.

Jenna: The Queen doesn't have time for such trivial matters!

The wellbeing of your father is a trivial matter?

Jenna: Yes.

I am really glad she isn't going to be heir.

Chloe's spent most of this pregnancy playing guitar.

Chloe: You mean getting ahead in the singing career!

Call it what you will.

Alex came home safe and sound. Well, not really. He's carrying an alien baby!

Jenna: Mom, is it true that Dad's having a baby too?

Chloe: We don't speak of it.

You do realize that because it's a legacy, I can't get rid of it. Right?

Chloe: Seriously?!

Rosie: Forget about the new baby! Take care of the kids you already have!

Poor Rosie and Bradley. They've been ignored the entire chapter.

It won't be long until baby number four gets here!

Bradley: Finally! Have you forgotten about us?

Chloe: Don't sass your mother!

He has a point.

Chloe: Go spy on someone else!

I granted Chloe her wish and then checked on her to find her messing with the microwave that nobody uses.

Chloe: I'm using it!

Don't. I made you train up your cooking skill for a reason.

Don't you think it's a little cold for a stroll?

Chloe: She's in her outerwear!

She's wearing her pjs....

Jenna: We ride at dusk!

Don't you mean dawn?

Jenna: No, dusk!

We are getting so close! Hopefully it's twins so Chloe can finally get back to work.

Chloe: The pain gets worse every time!

And we have our sparkly baby girl! Meet Anna Fox!

Sparkle time!

We got an Alex clone on our hands!

Bradley: I didn't want another sister! I wanted a brother!

Me too, dude, me too.

Anna's the first toddler to play with the xylophone, oddly enough.

I love how Alex is just getting fat and doesn't have a belly like Chloe does.

Chloe: Time to potty!

Anna: I don't want to potty!

Alex is getting close to popping too. I can't believe we got an alien baby in the first generation!

And we are losing yet another toddler! Happy birthday Rosie!

She turned out beautiful! But I still want one of the younger kids as heir.

Shouldn't you do that in a pond maybe?

Rosie: The pool's empty. I checked.

Alien baby time!

Alex: Now I know what Chloe does through!

And it's another girl. Introducing Lyra Fox.

Well, that is all for tonight! I can't believe we have an alien baby!
