
Jenna: FEED ME!!!

I don't think they are getting a peaceful night's sleep anytime soon.

Speaking of, there is going to be toddler chaos soon: it's Rosie's birthday!

Another redhead! I really hope we get one with Alex's hair soon.

Jenna finally calmed down so Chloe took her on a stroll through beautiful downtown Starlight Shores!

After returning home, Chloe found out she's pregnant again! I really want a boy this time.

Chloe: You hear that world?! I'M HAVING A BABY!!

Chloe, the world already knows.

Where have you been this whole chapter?

Alex: Go away.

Chloe: *gasp* Alex broke the tub!

And you can fix it.

Chloe: But that's what husbands are for!

There is literally no point if you aren't going to fix it first.

And I eat my words, she did fix it.

Oh, so you can spend hours upgrading a tub upstairs, but the maid has to fix the broken one downstairs?

Alex: That's what maids are for.

I have a feeling you are ignoring a needy child.

Alex: Yes, yes I am.

At least someone cares about the children.

I love sleeping toddlers, they are so cute!

And we are about to add another child to the mix.

Chloe: Can someone feed the pregnant lady?!

You have two feet don't you?

Chloe: Shut up.

Chloe: Oh no! It's....THE CLAW!!!

Rosie: *gasp*

Alex: Okay, who broke the sink???

I'm guessing you.

Poor Jenna. Even though she has a sister, she always plays alone.

Alex! Go play with your child!

I'm honestly surprised we still have both kids, no one ever takes care of them!

I didn't even know she was in labor! Anyways, meet Bradley Fox!

Nothing cool happened, so it's already birthday time for Bradley!

What a cutie! He's definitely in the running for heir!

Chloe: Just because Bradley will be heir doesn't mean I can't love on my other kids!

Can you spot the good parent?

I guess being heir means you spend your days in a pen.

Three kids means Alex and Chloe never have free time, especially at the same time.

This is not going to end well.

That looks painful.

Rosie: What was that noise?

Bradley: What noise?

Don't you have a house to clean?

Bonehilda: It's already clean.

I don't believe that for a second.

I can't believe Jenna's toddler days are already over!

If she wasn't the oldest, she could have been heir.

Good night y'all.

Side note: I am on break so I can hopefully get a chapter out every day or every other day for the next week. Prepare for lots of cuteness! ~Ivy
