
Showing posts from February, 2017


Chloe, how would you like to open the chapter? Chloe: Can't you see I'm busy??? Rude. Aaaand she's pregnant again. Hopefully I get another boy. Please don't blow yourself up. You're the good parent! Playing guitar outside is much safer than cooking. Alex finally advanced enough in the medical career to determine genders. Alex: It's a girl! Chloe: That means I'm having more, doesn't it. Yup. Jenna: Bow down to your queen! If you're queen, we're all doomed. Jenna: How dare you! Off with your head! I love having a handy sim around. It means less people get fried! Alex: It's nice to see you value me so much. I just realized that I haven't telling you guys what the kids' traits are. Well, Jenna has the Never Nude trait, obviously. Not good! Not good! Alex: Don't beam me up, Scotty, don't beam me up!! Jenna: Aliens, I command you to release my dad! I don't think


Jenna: FEED ME!!! I don't think they are getting a peaceful night's sleep anytime soon. Speaking of, there is going to be toddler chaos soon: it's Rosie's birthday! Another redhead! I really hope we get one with Alex's hair soon. Jenna finally calmed down so Chloe took her on a stroll through beautiful downtown Starlight Shores! After returning home, Chloe found out she's pregnant again! I really want a boy this time. Chloe: You hear that world?! I'M HAVING A BABY!! Chloe, the world already knows. Where have you been this whole chapter? Alex: Go away. Chloe: *gasp* Alex broke the tub! And you can fix it. Chloe: But that's what husbands are for! There is literally no point if you aren't going to fix it first. And I eat my words, she did fix it. Oh, so you can spend hours upgrading a tub upstairs, but the maid has to fix the broken one downstairs? Alex: That's what maids are for.